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🏠 Kundalini thru the Chakras - STUDIO

6pm CT (60 min): Exploring the 10 Bodies of Consciousness

1 h
20 US dollars
Shuniya Yoga Collective

Class Description

Align your chakras and harmonize body and soul! In the Kundalini Yoga tradition, the human being doesn’t consist of just one physical body, or two (physical and mental), but rather ten—one physical body, three mental bodies, and six energy bodies. Many of the exercise sets, or kriyas, ignite the energetic bodies and things we cannot see, but feel. Kundalini Yoga engages all ten bodies, therefore working on multiple levels in a deep way. During our classes in September and October, we’ll explore how these bodies shape our thoughts, feelings, and actions, and learn how to work with them through targeted meditations and exercises. This exploration of the 10 Bodies offers another map to your human experience, complementing your chakra work and enriching your self-understanding. Come weekly or drop in when you can - all levels welcome! If you'd prefer to join us on the live-stream, please visit our Online Class page at:

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • 1708 Houston Street, Austin, TX, USA

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